The Fergussons have remained good friends and clients through the years: what began as a hot tub renovation turned into an overall landscape renovation, which turned into a wedding area for their daughter and son-in-law.
In their effort to expand their home by creating vibrant outdoor spaces, the Fergussons realized that having a hot tub made a great deal of sense for an area which was neglected and useless. What was envisioned was an ease-of-use tub with an automatic cover which fit well with the original house construction.
As time went on and the kids grew to young adults, their daughter became engaged and wanted to get married in Beaver Creek. After thorough investigation for wedding event sites, the Fergussons realized that they could hold the ceremony at their home on Borders Road and turn it into an outdoor living space afterwards. What was designed was a terraced set of seating levels for the ceremony with an area at the bottom level for the ceremony itself. Because there were to be guests from all over the world and in various forms of physical health, a stone seating area was included to accommodate a short walk and level seating. This was to double, after the ceremony, as a lower dining area, complete with a fire pit. Another challenge was to assure that the number of guests would have ample seating space which culminated in a detailed furniture layout.